Divorcing couples don’t have to argue over everything. If you and your spouse have agreed on all aspects of your separation, we’ll help make it official.

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Divorce Through Mediation


You have questions, we’ve got answers. Divorces can be complicated and you’re not an expert. Sessions with a Certified Family Mediator can walk you through it. Every step of the way.

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online Divorce

Why Choose Untying The Knot?

If the best thing for your well-being is to end your marriage, Untying the Knot can help. Divorce doesn’t have to be the awful process people dread. You can get divorced without the stress of doing it the traditional way.

Maybe you watched your parents divorce as a child and know that’s not what you want to put your family through. With our help, you can skip the trouble and do everything you need without even leaving your home. Get a digital divorce. Fast and painless-ish.

Is It Really Possible?

Why yes. Yes, it is.

Getting divorced the way that works best for you is what our online divorce software and extra support are designed to do. Whether you need us to appear at the mediation with you or simply talk on the phone and answer all your questions, we’ve got you. And we have all the answers.

Look, we get it. Honestly, most of us have been in your same shoes and sadly, more than once. Separating from your spouse can be difficult enough on its own without adding in all the legal complexities. At Untying the Knot, we cut out the legal jargon and tell you, plain and simple, what you need to do to end your marriage and start moving on.

Let us help you get a divorce without the courts. It’s what we do best. Check out some of the stand-alone services we offer if you just want to get your feet wet first.

Divorce without court



  • Untying The Knot is an online divorce law firm for today’s digital generation. We will get you divorced, unlike other online platforms that will leave you with a stack of papers and instructions on how to do it yourself.
  • Divorce can be complicated on its own – drawn-out court proceedings are never fun and too many opinions can make the process overwhelming.
  • Our focus is to help you and your spouse come to a quick resolution that doesn’t ignore your wants and needs, waste your time and energy, or burn through your budget.
  • We work to ensure your best interests are protected while allowing you to have peace of mind as you begin a new chapter.

Are Not

  • We are not soul-less form fillers. Unlike other online platforms that may offer similar services — at an increased price, of course — we are dedicated to understanding your situation from a human perspective and providing you with the most beneficial paths out of your union.
  • We’re not trying to make you go through a dramatic legal battle worthy of an Oscar. We’re here to help you end your marriage quickly and painlessly. Plain and very simple.
  • Ending a marriage doesn’t mean that you or your spouse needs to suffer – you’ve both been through enough already. If it’s time to untie the knot and get divorced, then Untying the Knot is the way to go. It’s what we do.


I Just Want to Speak With a Lawyer!


$150/30 MINUTES

How can an attorney help?

Get 30 minutes of full access to an attorney to ask as many questions as you can for the session. Get your list out (you know what one) and start writing everything you want to know and have it ready to go. Get as many questions in as you can in 30 minutes with your own dedicated attorney.
Need more time? Not a problem.
We bill in 30 minute increments so if you need more time, feel free to book as long as you need! Super easy.

  • Help you decide which plan to pick
  • Walk through the entire divorce process
  • Look up a case you’ve already opened and help with next steps
  • Learn about your spousal or child support options
  • Answer your questions – any of them!
Schedule A Call
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